TreesPlease are proud to be one of a small number of UK nurseries who have achieved Plant Healthy accreditation.


Trees Please


Trees Please are proud to be one of a small number of UK nurseries who have achieved Plant Healthy accreditation. Charles Beaumont, the owner of Trees Please has been actively involved in developing the Plant Healthy Management Standards in order to safeguard the British landscape and it’s biodiversity.


It is now recognised that due to globalisation and an ever-widening number of plants and plant material being traded around the world, the threat to the UK’s trees from pests and diseases is substantial.

At Trees Please we take this threat extremely seriously and work hard to ensure our biosecurity protocols are robust enough to minimise the risk of the introduction, spread and impact of tree pests and diseases in our stock.


regular biosecurity checks

In addition to complying with all relevant EU and UK plant health regulations, we provide an assurance that our trees are grown in the UK and have undergone regular biosecurity checks while under our care. 

We are authorised to issue plant passports certifying that our business has been officially inspected by the plant health authority, our trees are from a quarantine disease-free area and can be exported into other disease-free areas.